Embryo Adoption

Published in September 2020
Compiled by Team ISAR 2020-2021

What is an Embryo and what is Embryo adoption?

An ‘EMBRYO’ in simple terms is an early stage of development of an unborn baby. Embryo adoption is the process of transferring the embryos left after one couple’s in vitro fertilization, to another person or couple. The embryos can also be created by a donor egg and a donor sperm.

It differs from traditional adoption as here ‘YOU’ give birth to your adopted embryo, experiencing the process of birthing your future, a part of blissful motherhood.

When is Embryo Adoption recommended?

1: The couple is unable to conceive with their own eggs or sperms or are suffering from recurrent pregnancy loss with their own embryos.
2: The husband or wife is at risk of passing on a genetic disorder to the child.
3: The woman has gone through early menopause.

Where do the Embryos come from?

The embryos are usually donated after the couple for whom they were initially created has conceived and carried a pregnancy to term.
The decision to donate or destroy the embryos remains with the same couple.
The embryo can also be obtained by mixing the eggs obtained from a freshly recruited donor and a cryopreserved sperm. In this case, both the donors are thoroughly screened before choosing them for the procedure.

What is the procedure for embryo adoption?

Testing the recipient woman:
Before the donor embryos are transferred to the woman’s uterus, some tests will be performed. For example: blood tests, infectious disease profile screening, hysteroscopy / sonohysterogram / hysterosalpingogram.
She should be prepared for prenatal medical screening and provide a complete medical and obstetrical history, to help the doctor understand the chances of success.

What are the legal issues involved in the procedure?

The process is carried under a legal framework where in the consents are obtained from the both the donating and recipient couple. The child born through embryo adoption has no genetic link to the woman carrying the pregnancy. But still the couple carrying the pregnancy has full legal claim over the baby and it is done with absolute privacy and confidentiality.

Will there be any complications?

The procedure of Embryo transfer is safe albeit the small risk of infection.

Risks associated with pregnancy

As stated above, pregnancy is an advantage with embryo adoption, though it may be considered a risk as well. Along with the joys of pregnancy, adoptive mothers can also face the challenges and risks associated with pregnancy when they opt for embryo adoption. It is important to double check with your gynaecologist or fertility doctor that you have no contraindications to pregnancy before pursuing embryo adoption.

What will be the costs of the procedure?

Embryo adoption is typically less expensive than other types of reproductive treatments. In most of the cases the embryo donor receives no payment for the embryo (when the embryos are donated by another couple); but, you have to pay to the clinic or agency for storing the embryo, testing the embryo, and transferring the embryo into your uterus. Typically, no more than 2 embryos are transferred during each attempt. When the embryos are created using anonymous egg donors and sperm donors, the corresponding charges would apply.

Is the procedure successful?

Every embryo has the potential to become a baby, but that does not guarantee that every embryo will become a baby. It is possible that you may transfer some embryos and they will not implant, resulting in no pregnancy.

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